Since qualifying as a counsellor over 25 years ago
I realised that the more I let go of my ego, and trusted my intuition, I could effectively ‘tune in’ to client’s energies and feelings. I decided to work on these latent natural psychic abilities and undertook formal studies with some of the UK’s foremost mediums - Gordon Smith, Tony Stockwell and Billy Cook- at the Arthur Findlay College for Psychic Sciences at Stansted Hall, Essex.
That was 20 years ago and, since then, in addition to my mainstream therapeutic work, I also do psychic and mediumistic readings to connect clients with loved ones who have passed over. I have continued my spiritual development at the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain (SAGB) and carried out demonstrations of mediumship at spiritualist churches and workshops.
Offering evidence of the survival of physical death can offer comfort and healing to those left on this side of life. As such, I like to refer to it as ‘spiritual counselling’.